Selasa, 27 September 2016

Guide NonoLive

Welcome to the article How to use Nonolive application. For those of you who are active in social media, can try nonolive application. A social network-based video broadcast, you can share any live from your phone and see thousands of people. Well, those who have no application nonolive, can be downloaded at the following link
 Download : Nonolive.apk

 As for how to use the guide nonolive can read below.
After the application nonolive successfully installed, please open the application. To login select the existing icon at the bottom right of the screen. Then select the Login button to sign up via facebook.

Once logged in, there will appear a profile photo and username. To edit an existing select the icon in the upper right corner.


1. Gift Value: gift you get from fans
2. Coins: The number of coins you
3. Top Up: to buy coins, via atm, cc, etc
4. Following: the number of people you follow
5. Fans: the number of people who follow your account nonolive
6. Setting: setting nonolive
7. Icons Love you in the middle with a description Following is a place to see friends again live

Then you just select the Home icon on the homepage nonolive a list of users who live longer. You can choose one to watch their broadcasts.

When watching broadcast nonolive users, following zoom


 1.  In the upper left corner there is a name and the number of spectators
 2.  Icon love, to follow users nonolive
 3.  Icon next to love, a share icon
 4.  then the icon box, to rotate the screen
 5.  The x icon to close the stream
 6.   No gifts icon at the bottom right of the screen to give a gift
 7.   Column comment Chat with everyone, to ask that broadcasts

How do broadcasting in nonolive

For the current version when admins try nonolive, yet is found the key to start the broadcasts. Here is the answer from the user nonolive when asked about doing broadcasting

So maybe in the next version contained such features. Hopefully helpful, that's the way to use the application Nonolive.